More knowledge can lead to better choices and therefore a better quality of life


As my passion for designing on digital platforms flourished, I pursued a course in interaction design at OsloMet. This project serves as my final exam piece, where the objective was to design an app of my choice. The concept for this app emerged in my typical approach to projects: identifying the problem before crafting a solution.

My hypothesis was straightforward: By enhancing understanding of the hormonal cycle, individuals can make more informed decisions leading to improved health and a higher quality of life.

The task of the app Clio is to support the userthrough their cycle and give advice and provide knowledge in true time. The app should feel as a friend supporting you. To achieve this I made sure the ‘tone-of-voice’ was personal and friendly.

Throughout the development process, I delved deeply into user interactions with digital products and the importance of responsive design.

Clio features an integrated breathing exercise, offering users moments to pause and relax. This exercise is particularly accessible during times of heightened stress, such as hormonal fluctuations.

The app highlights all stages of the cycle, including positive symptoms such as anticipated increases in energy levels.

The app encourages users to join a 12-phase challenge where they reflect on their well-being and symptoms. By sharing data, the app aims to provide more accurate advice and empower users with knowledge.